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Monday, January 31, 2005

Angels and Demons

I just returned last night from Los Angeles, where I screened "Constantine," a new movie starring Keanu Reeves that opens Feb. 18. It's based on a comic-book character--John Constantine--who has the gift/burden of being able to see angels and demons.

The film is so-so. My review will appear opening day, so please stay tuned.

We interviewed about seven people associated with the movie, including the director, writers, Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Djimon Hounsou, Shia LaBeouf and Gavin Rossdale. I'll generate several feature pieces based on these interviews. Weisz and Rossdale were especially articulate about some of the themes that the film superficially touches on (e.g. heaven and hell).

Reeves refused to speak about religion, saying it was "private" and "personal." One of the writers, however, commented on how he thought Reeves was a particularly spiritual person, but he didn't elaborate.


Blogger P M Prescott said...

I am looking forward to reading your piece on Constantine. It looks to me to be an attempt to revive the interest in psuedo psychology that the first Matrix generated, the last two were philosophical gibberish, at least the first one touched on the thoughts of Berkley. I also say the History channel do a piece on The Davinci Code, and they came to the conclusion that people are believing the fictional historical errors because they are looking for a more acceptible religious experience. Nothing I have ever come across has been so damning about the moral bankruptcy of Fundamentalism than that statement.

Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:33:00 AM


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