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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Ready for 'Sith'

I haven't loved Episode I and II of "Star Wars" like I loved "the originals"--which is to say Episode IV, V and VI. But I confess that I'm a little excited about Episode III.

I suppose it has something to do with actually seeing Darth Vader and Chewbacca back onscreen. They, of course, weren't part of Episode I and II. Vader and Chewie represent a return to what fans of the first three loved.

I don't have anything brilliant to say about "Sith." I'm just feeling a little nostalgic for the cinema of my youth.


Blogger P M Prescott said...

Star Wars was just high tech melodrama. Instead of Sydley Whiplash tying Sweet Polly to the railroad tracks he becomes Darth Vader (I always felt he was a rip off of Fantastic Four's Doctor Doom) and Seet Polly becomes Princess Leia. It was written very simplistically so you could enjoy the special effects, humor (R2D2 and C3PO are just mechanical Laurel and Hardy's), and implied romance. In short it was written for ten year olds, and best enjoyed in an auditorium where all the kids could throw pop corn at all the bad guys when they came on screen. Empire and Return kept to the same formula, but started making the characters darker and more complicated. The newer releases have broken from the formula which is basically melodrama and moved into trajedy. When you grow up you always pine for the simplicity of youth, but you can't eat baby food all your life. I like the fact that the story has grown up with the audience.

Thursday, May 05, 2005 2:34:00 PM


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