This blog is a companion to culture coverage at

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A New Term: 'Metrospiritual'

If you're into terms, check out Beliefnet's take on "metrospirituals" at

'Munich' Trailer Online

The trailer for Steven Spielberg's upcoming film "Munich" is now online at You can also see a poster.

I've been covering this film at for a while now, and I remain convinced this film can be a tremendous spark for discussion about a host of issues, not the least of which are vengeance, retribution, forgiveness, moral doubt.

Check out some of our "Munich" coverage starting here:

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Van Biema Keeps Time Well

Long time no post.

Lots going on these days, but I wanted to point out the work of religion writer David Van Biema at Time magazine. He's written several recent pieces about Narnia and C.S. Lewis that have been really thought provoking.

Check this one out. Van Biema argues that no theologian has really stepped up to fill Lewis' shoes.

Or this one, on how to tell if the upcoming Narnia adaptation is really a Christian film. I think there's a lot to say, and argue about, over how to define a "Christian" film, but the story is good nevertheless.